Scientific Q&A Chatbot

A chatbot built using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) that instantly generates answers to questions by scanning large collections of scientific papers.

Abstract: When responding to queries in chatbots, accurately referencing the appropriate contexts or evidence is crucial for providing reliable information. Retrieval Augmented Generation facilitates this by allowing the system to search through vast collections of documents. This project aims to demonstrate such capabilities and comprises five main components: a document encoder, embedding search, question answerer, query encoder, and rephraser. First, each document is transformed into embeddings, either through summarization or by aggregating chunks of text. Subsequently, a query encoder converts the question into embeddings, which are then used to search for relevant documents using the embedding search module. Once the relevant documents are identified, they are summarized to generate the appropriate answer, which is then returned to the user. While linear search can be utilized for embedding search, it is time-consuming. Therefore, clustering techniques are employed to expedite the process. In practical applications, a vector database can be utilized to further optimize performance. Overall, this project serves as a demonstration of how to construct an effective Retrieval Augmented Generation-based search system.

Demo: Jupyter Notebok Project: Github Link

You can use Docker or just run to handle all the dependency issues.


The architecture includes the following major components:

  • Document Encoder - Documents have different sizes and each document can be represented with a fixed-size vector. I used two options
    • BERT Summarizer: Summarize any text to a fixed token size text (256) and apply sentence encoder (BERT-Sentence Encoder)
    • Chunking: Apply the BERT sentence encoder on fixed-size chunks of the document and finally average them to get the final fixed-size representation

Chunking is faster since it’s easier to process short-length documents than long sizes in Transformers

  • Document Retrieval - Given a question, a search operation is applied to the corpus to find the right context. I implemented two methods
    • Linear Search - on the document vector space. Very slow
    • Hierarchical Search - Using Topic2Vec, we can build a tree and search on clusters rather than search on an array
  • Question Answerer - Once the right context is found, a seq2seq model can be fed the question and the context. It will produce the answer.

  • Rephraser - A small explanation can be provided along with the answer. As such, the context can be rephrased to a small text with a specified amount of sentences


Pubmed Scientific Dataset - I used this database. It has 119k samples on medical topics


Several improvements can be made to make the system more useable

  • Extract scientific conversation from the Stanford SHP dataset and fine-tune the whole system using RLHF. This will make answers more humanly
  • Using the same backbone model for encoding documents, summarization, and answer inference. This will result in a massive memory footprint reduction
  • A context might be long and answer generation inference can take longer time. Such an operation can be minimized using chunked search. I have applied that already, but the performance is not that great. With the right hyperparameter (window size) search, inference can be boosted.


Please change the attributes in YAML Config

  • corpus_file: pubmed-dataset/pubmed-dataset/train.txt

  • max_corpus_samples: maximum samples of the corpus. if -1, then all samples will be taken. (Default: -1)

  • doc2vec_window_size: a chunk will have 256 tokens. This is used to create the document encoding if topic_search is not activated. (Default: 256)
  • doc2vec_stride_size: a window will slide with stride. (Default: 128)
  • include_explanation: Boolean value whether the model should explain the answer or not. (Default: True)
  • rephrase_explanation: Boolean value whether the model should rephrase the explanation or give me raw context or not. (Default: True)
  • num_explanation_sentence: maximum number sentences for explanation. (Default: 2)
  • answer_score_threshold: confidence level for the model about the answer. if model’s confidence is more than this value, it will answer it. If not, then it will reply Sorry, I don’t know. (Default: 0.5)
  • topic_search: Use hierarchical instead of linear search (Default: True)